Does This Sound Familiar?

  • Boredom Strikes

    You have tried to take a break from drinking in the past, but always give in a few days later because of boredom.

  • Habits and Routines

    After a long day, you often find yourself falling back on a glass(es) of wine to relax, and you wish you had a healthier alternative

  • Dry Mouthed and Tired

    You’re tired of waking up at 3 am with a dry mouth, and dreading the day

What others have shared.

“Day 27 has ended up with a win! Birthday drinks at our local pub with a group of friends - and not one drop - even better - didn't miss it one bit😍. So thankful xx”

Love , Australia

“Here is a shout out to Camille and the ladies in the group. I pressed reboot in January 1st . I'm pleased to say I haven't had an alcoholic beverage since then. Day 34. It just simply doesn't feature and I've been out socializing without the need for wine. I'm now an expert at mocktails. The best thing for me is waking up clear headed. So worth it!”

Best, Mocktail Expert

“This morning my husband said to me, "you know you have pretty skin." Which was funny because I looked at myself in the mirror yesterday and said "you're looking d*** good!😂😂😂. Seriously. I do look better than I did a week ago. My face is less puffy, and my skin is clear. I could get use to this! ”

From, I Look Damn Good


  • Establish different ways to relax and socialize without reaching for the bubbly

  • Learn practical, realistic tips and tricks to get through the 'social hour'

  • Watch as your skin tone and eyes brighten.

  • Reduce bloating, brain fog, and feel more energetic, motivated, and clear minded

  • Identify why you reach for the wine key

Daily Inspiration and Love Letters

  • 01


    • Welcome to Dry July

  • 02

    Day 1 : Remember Where You Started - Self Assessment

    • Self Assessment

  • 03

    Day #2 : Preparation

    • Prep Yo Self

  • 04

    Day #3 : Declare Your Goal

    • Write + Video

  • 05

    Day #4 : Thrive Not Survive

    • Write

  • 06

    Day #5 : Cheers!

    • Sparkling Pear Punch

  • 07

    Day #6 : Add It Up

    • Getting Real With Yourself

  • 08

    Day #7 : Food For Thought

    • The definition of "heavy alcohol use"

  • 09

    Day #08 : It's You Time

    • Date Time

  • 10

    Day #09 : Can I Offer You a Drink?

    • What do you say?

  • 11

    Day #10 : Triggers

    • Feel it to heal it

  • 12

    Day #11 : Thank Yourself

    • Write

  • 13

    Day #12 : Treat Your Self

    • Video

  • 14

    Day #13 : How Do You Want To Feel

    • One Word

  • 15

    Day # 14 : If She Can Do It, So Can You

    • Interview with the fierce and fabulous Meg Sylvester

  • 16

    Day #15 : Create It

    • Create The Feeling

  • 17

    Day #16 : (Pep Talk) What to Expect

    • First 30 days (Audio)

  • 18

    Day # 17 : Routines and Rituals

    • Untitled text

  • 19

    Day #20 : More or Differently

    • Untitled text

  • 20

    Day #21 : Cheers

    • Blueberry Mojito

  • 21

    Day #22 (Pep Talk)

    • Check in + video

  • 22

    Day #23 Does The Body Good?

    • Giving Up Alcohol Does The Body Good

  • 23

    Day #24 : Present or Numb?

    • Food-for-thought

  • 24

    Day #25 : Action Item

    • Action Item : Your Surrounding

  • 25

    Day #26 : Cool Kids

    • They do it why can't I?

  • 26

    Day #27 : Breast Cancer + Alcohol

    • Food For Thought

  • 27

    Day #27 : No Hangovers

    • Celebrate

  • 28

    Day #29 : 10 Things Better

    • What do you love?

  • 29

    Day #30 : Cheers

    • Kombucha Moscow Mule Mocktail

  • 30

    Day #31 : Play It Forward

    • It's A Game

  • 31

    Day #32 : Cheers!

    • Sparkling Cider

Your Guide

Instructor Bio:

Camille is a physician assistant, and self-discovery coach who helps the "gray area drinker" break their drinking habit, so they can live the happiest, healthiest, and the highest version of themself. She has mixed her medical knowledge, study of positive psychology, and personal experience unraveling her own relationship with alcohol, to create a comprehensive, fun, and life changing process of self-discovery and freedom from alcohol. The end results is not sobriety, it's living a life you do not want to numb!

Camille Kinzler

Your Guide

Instructor Bio:

Your Guide

Instructor Bio:

And a little more

Included is accountability, community, and inspiration

  • Accountability

    Each week there will be a virtual live group Q&A to identify and work through your specific needs

  • Community

    You'll connect with others who are on this Dry July journey with you in a confidential "off the socials" platform.

  • Inspiration

    Each day you'll unlock a virtual gift (lesson) with an action item or "food-for-thought" to keep you motivated and inspired