Which one sounds like you?

  • "Just One"

    You convince yourself you can have "just one" only to find the bottle is half gone before dinner is on the table

  • Boredom Strikes

    After a couple days without drinking, you are consumed with boredom

  • A Habit

    You aren't an alcoholic, but you are stuck in this cycle of drinking, and you want to change.

  • 3 am wake up

    You are sick and tired of waking up at 3 am with a dry mouth dreading to start the day

  • Professional and/or mom

    You're a high performer in all areas of your life, and you know alcohol is preventing you from achieving your highest potential

  • Intuition

    You know deep inside that alcohol isn't serving the highest version of you, yet you just can't shake it

The COZY Method

Break your drinking habit without willpower

This 8 week experience will retrain your brain to relax, unwind, and connect without instinctively reaching for the bottle to ultimately control your drinking. The small group provides an intimate experience and safe container to explore, and ultimately untangle your relationship with alcohol without struggle.

In 60 days you will....

✔️ Sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed

✔️ Look younger with brighter skin (trust me your friends will notice)

✔️ Feel more energetic and productive

✔️ Find time to tackle unfinished projects

✔️ Reduce anxiety and stress

✔️ Turn boredom into freedom

About Your Instructor

Camille (@thinkbeyondthedrink)

I have a Master's in Science and Physician Assistant (PA) Studies, a Master NLP coach and practitioner, with over 20 years in health and wellness. 

I help  professional women, and moms break their drinking habit through the unique COZY Method where willpower and boredom are not part of the equation.

The end game is not to quit drinking, it's to create a life you don't want to numb.

What Will You Receive?

8 weeks of dynamic transformation

  • An Intimate Community

    Accountability with a small group of women who are on this journey with you in an "off the socials" meeting room.

  • Virtual Live Group Lessons

    6 virtual live group sessions with experiential learning, and individualized QA + 2 integration weeks with guest speakers.

  • Intensive Learnings

    6 recorded multi-media lessons + homework to guide you through the C.O.Z.Y. methodology to learn how to destress, unwind, and connect without reaching for the drink.

What woman have said before you

“You were seamless from the FB program to the personal program. You listened. Most importantly, you exceeded my expectations. You assisted me in adjusting my life. I did not know what I would find. Yet, it found me. The visualization and scientific information was extremely beneficial to me. I like that your programming was not step centered. Your information was empirical. ”

" Most importantly, you exceeded my expectations. You assisted me in adjusting my life."


“I love her approach. She is very loving, and non-judgmental. It has made me learn what I use alcohol for and to set boundaries and take care of myself instead. Doing the coaching with a fellow female was powerful, I felt more seen than I had in a long time. It helped me remember how great I am. The best part is my relationships with my two step kids and daughter are way better. They can tell when adults are checked out. Now, I have learned how deeply I feel, tears have been shed, and my journey to allowing myself to transform and shine is only beginning, or at least”



“Like many of us, drinking wasn’t quite a problem as much as it was a lifestyle that was difficult to escape....The weekly calls were motivational and provided the camaraderie as it has been quite difficult to quit. I had a few bumps along the way but discussing the reasons behind drinking was very insightful and helpful,...I love deeper sleep, lack of hangovers, having my memory intact, creating more authentic connections, and healing my body and just having more joy on a daily basis. I highly recommend joining this program! ”



Wait! There is more!

It gets even better

  • 60 daily prompts

    Unlock a virtual gift a day for 60 days. Gifts include : curated resources, interviews, pep-talks, mocktail recipes, meditations, journal prompts and so much more. Stay inspired and motivated!

  • Meditation & Hypnotic Recording

    The quickest, most effective way to change is through the subconscious mind. Enjoy deep relaxation with a hypnotic script designed to enhance confidence, and to decrease anxiety. Plus, a separate meditation specifically designed for ultimate relaxation, and stress reduction.

  • Witching Hour Survival Guide

    Tips and tricks to get you sailing through happy hour with this survival guide. (Option to choose the guide specifically for parents of small children)

What does transformation look like?

  • Connected

    More grounded, mindful and connected to yourself and others

  • Power Within

    Power within to control your decisions

  • Peace

    Calmer, less agitated, and happier

  • Mind, Body, Soul

    Better mental, physical, and emotional balance

  • Reclaim Mornings

    Remember your evenings, and feel amazing in the morning

  • Self-Integrity

    More clarity and control over your thoughts, behaviors and habits.

You'll Receive

Accountability for 8 straight weeks, 6 group breakthrough calls, learning modules to dig deeper in the material + 60 days of virtual gifts

  • 8 week accountability (value $597)

  • 6 small group breakthrough sessions ($997)

  • 6 recorded mix media modules + homework ($297)

  • 2 bonus modules with special guests ($597)

  • Value $2488

Lifetime Access to 60 Days of Virtual Gifts - updated frequently

You'll also receive

  • 60 Days of Virtual Gifts

    * Interviews with courageous likeminded women * Mocktails Recipes * Tips and tricks to relax, unwind and destress * How to thrive in social events curated list of resources * Pep talk * Journal prompts * Science + alcohol and brain/body so much more VALUE $497

You'll Receive

Accountability for 8 straight weeks, 6 group breakthrough calls, learning modules to dig deeper in the material + 60 days of virtual gifts

  • 8 week accountability (value $597)

  • 6 small group breakthrough sessions ($997)

  • 6 recorded mix media modules + homework ($297)

  • 2 bonus modules with special guests ($597)

  • 60 Days of Virtual Gifts ($497)

  • Meditation and Hypnotic Recording ($197)

  • Love Your Liver: An Integrative Approach to a Liver Cleanse ($99)

  • Value $3281

Your Investment: sign up before 2/28 1159p to receive a $189 off case study pricing with coupon code casestudy

Private 1:1 coaching = $3500.00

Don't Wait!

Use coupon code casestudy to receive $189 off by Feb 26 at 1159p

  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds


  • I already feel like I have too much on my to-do list!

    I get it! We are all so busy and overwhelmed. There will be 6 live group lessons (1-2 hrs in length) in the 8 week together. There will also be two weeks of integration (free week) intentionally placed throughout.

  • Is there a community?

    Yes! Community of likeminded women can help you achieve your goal, and make the process of transformation more fun! You've already tried changing your habits without support. Now it's time to try with support. This group is intentionally small and curated.

  • I don't have the money.

    This is probably my favorite question. I don't know about you, but I spent so much money on drinking. Not to mention the money spent on "the morning after" junk food. Bluntly, if you can afford to drink, you can afford this program. It all comes down to how badly you want to transform?

  • What is coaching?

    How I view myself as a "coach" is someone who guides you, and holds you to your highest potential. I also call you out when you get stuck in self-sabotage and start replaying old tapes. It really is one of my most favorite things to do, guide people towards transformation.

  • What are "virtual gifts"?

    As a bonus, you will receive 60 days of virtual gifts that are easily digestible (5-10 min activities), that will excite you, and keep you on track. You can open it during your "witching hour" or binge consume the material when you have time over the weekend. Whatever works best for you.

  • Do I have to quit drinking?

    No, quitting is not required. Everyone cuts down their consumption during this 8 weeks with me, and most abstain. It's up to you. The purpose of this course is to learn to call yourself out on your old repeating patterns, and practice tools that will help you in all aspects of your life. The only requirement is you must have a desire to change.

  • What if I have already quit drinking?

    This program is a great fit. The majority of people who quit drinking will start again within the first year. Why? They see themselves as a drinker. I can help you change your identity .

  • I live in a different time zone. Actually a different Country. Will I be able to attend live sessions?

    The group is so intimate that I've never had an issue finding a time where all time zones align. If you cannot make it to the live session, it will be recorded. But I know you can make it!

  • When does it start?

    You'll receive instant access to the virtual gifts. The small group session start March 8th! Once the group is formed, I will reach out the week of March 1st to coordinate meeting times. I have never had a group where we couldn't synch our calendars (even in Australia time zone!).

The COZY Method

Will there ever be a better time to learn how to destress, unwind, and connect without wine?